ICW 2018
Interdisciplinary Choice Workshop
August 7th – 10th, 2018
Santiago – Chile
The ICW is a forum where international researchers from various disciplines/domains encounter to discuss in depth the latest advances and challenges in choice behaviour modelling and decision making. The domains include, but are not restricted to: behavioural decision-making, environmental economics, marketing, management science, transportation and urbanism. The meeting will provide opportunities for open scholarly discussion, while also being accessible to graduate students. The ICW considers three days of sessions plus a one day trip. Presentations will be developed in a single session format, with a discussant from a different field. Five prominent keynote speakers will stimulate discussion each day, followed by up to 30 presentations from international scholars. Presenters will be selected following a comprehensive peer review process of extended abstracts. In a second round, accepted presenters will be invited to submit a full paper. Finally, accepted full papers will be included in special issues of the Journal of Choice Modelling (JOCM) and Transportation Research, part A.
More at this link.