Ricardo Dazianoavatar

Tenured Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Director of Graduate Studies, Systems Engineering

Associate Director, Engineering Management Program

PhD in Economics at Université Laval

Graduate Fields: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Applied Information Systems (Cornell Tech), Systems Engineering, Regional Science, Public Affairs; Atkinson Center Faculty Fellow

✎ 305 Hollister Hall, Ithaca NY 14853 | ☎ 607 255 2018

✉︎ daziano@cornell.eduCV | WebGoogle Scholar


Siqi Feng

PhD in Systems Engineering

Education: BEng in Traffic Engineering, Southeast University (China), 2021; MSc in Transportation Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, 2022

Research interests: discrete choice models (both theory- and data-driven)

✉︎ sf627@cornell.edu


WangWei (Will) Wu

PhD in Systems Engineering

Education: BSc in Physics, Fudan University (Shanghai, China), 2017

Research interests: decision science, game theory, network science

✉︎ ww433@cornell.edu




Daniel Villarraga

PhD in Transportation Systems Engineering

Education: BSc in Civil Engineering, MSc in Infrastructure Systems (Cum Laude), Universidad de Los Andes (Colombia)

Research interests: machine learning for discrete choice, network systems, social influence

✉︎ dv275@cornell.edu







Tomás Rossetti Youlton

PhD in Systems Engineering 2022

Data Science Principal for Via





prateekPrateek Bansal

PhD in Transportation Systems Engineering 2019; Postdoc at Imperial College London, 2020

Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore

✉︎ ceev236@nus.edu.sg

Google Scholar | LinkedIn | Personal Website





estherEsther Chiew

PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering 2015

Consultant at the World Bank

Working on projects related to intermodal freight transportation and logistics, and port-hinterland connectivity.




mauricioMauricio Sarrias

PhD in Regional Science 2015

Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Universidad de Talca (Antofagasta, Chile)

Working on discrete choice models, spatial econometrics, health economics, and regional science

✉︎ mauricio.sarrias@ucn.cl | Web



chenChen Wang

PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering 2016

Vice President at Wells Fargo Securities

Experienced Strategist with a demonstrated history of working in the investment management industry.



Some MSc Alumni 


Veronica Gluza

MSc in Systems Engineering

Education: BSc in Computer Science, minor in Mathematics, Ryerson University, Canada, 2020

Research interests: machine learning applications for discrete choice

✉︎ vg253@cornell.edu


Paloma Fernández

MSc in Transportation Systems

Education: BSc in Civil Engineering, Universidad Católica “Nuestra Señora de la Asunción” (Paraguay), 2019

Research interests: machine learning for discrete choice, optimization problems

✉︎ pvf9@cornell.edu


Saeedeh Sadeghi

MSc in Systems Engineering

Education: MSc in Machine Intelligence and Cognitive Modeling from the University of Tehran 2017

Research interests: computational models of decision making, behavioral economics, neuroeconomics

✉︎ ss3767@cornell.edu



Laura Luo profile pic

Laura Luo

MSc in Transportation Systems Engineering 2020

Transportation Consultant at AECOM

Travel Demand Forecasting





Lan Liu

MSc in Transportation Systems Engineering 2017

Algorithm researcher at DiDiChuxing

Working on algorithm research and development to support efficiency improvements of real-time ride-sharing services.




Akanksha Sinha

MSc in Transportation Systems Engineering 2019

Transportation Engineering Assistant at DKS Associates





Jiayi Sun

MSc in Transportation Systems Engineering 2016

Software development engineer at Oath

Working on Platform as a Service (PAAS) by enabling customers to develop, extend, connect, secure, mobilize, and share data across apps in the cloud




Sijia Wang

MSc in Transportation Systems Engineering 2016

Data scientist at WSP

Working on activity-based travel demand modeling, including the New York Best Practice Model (NYBPM)


