Refereed Archival Journal Publications
Student co-authors highlighted in bold.
Villarraga, DF and RA Daziano. 2025. Hierarchical Nearest Neighbor Gaussian Process models for discrete choice: Mode choice in New York City. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 191, 103132
Feng, S, R Yao, S Hess, RA Daziano, T Brathwaite, J Walker and S Wang. 2024. Deep neural networks for choice analysis: enhancing behavioral regularity with gradient regularization. Transportation Research part C: Emerging Technologies 166, 1046767
Dong, X, E Guerra and RA Daziano. 2024. Will automated vehicles encourage more jaywalking? Results from a stated preference survey. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 103, 217-229
Rossetti, T and RA Daziano. 2024. The effect of perceived risk of false diagnosis on preferences for COVID-19 testing: Evidence from the United States. Journal of Choice Modelling 50, 100455
Rossetti, T and RA Daziano. 2024. Crowding multipliers on shared transportation in New York City: The effects of COVID-19 and implications for a sustainable future. Transport Policy 145, 224-236
Rossetti, T, M Ruhl, A Broaddus, RA Daziano. 2024. How do attitudes and impacts of Covid-19 affect demand for microtransit?, Travel Behaviour and Society 34, 100658
Rossetti, T and RA Daziano. 2024. Virtual environments for analyzing travel behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. Transportation Research Procedia 76, 48-61.
Daziano RA and W Budziński. 2023. Evolution of preferences for COVID-19 vaccine throughout the pandemic – The choice experiment approach, Social Science & Medicine 332, 116093
Sadeghi, S, R Daziano, SY Yoon, A Anderson. 2023. Affective experience in a virtual crowd regulates perceived travel time. Virtual Reality 27, 1051-1061
Budziński, W and RA Daziano. 2023. Preferences for online grocery shopping during the COVID-19 pandemic – the role of fear-related attitudes. Journal of Choice Modelling 47, 100416
Wang, B, EOD Waygood, X Ji, H Naseri, AL Loiselle, RA Daziano, Z Patterson, M Feinberg. 2023. How to effectively communicate about greenhouse gas emissions with different populations, Environmental Science & Policy, 147, 9-43
Rossetti, T, RA Daziano, A Broaddus, M Ruhl. 2023. Commuter preferences for a first-mile/last-mile microtransit service in the United States. Transportation Research Part A 167, 103549
Bansal, P, V Keshavarzzadeh, A Guevara, S Li, and RA Daziano. 2022. Designed Quadrature to Approximate Integrals in Maximum Simulated Likelihood Estimation. The Econometrics Journal 25 (2), 301-321
Daziano, RA. 2022. Willingness to delay charging of electric vehicles. Research in Transportation Economics 94 101177
Krueger, R and RA Daziano. 2022. Stated choice analysis of preferences for COVID-19 vaccines using the Choquet integral. Journal of Choice Modelling 45 100385
Dong, X, E Guerra, and RA Daziano, 2022. Impact of TNC on travel behavior and mode choice: a comparative analysis of Boston and Philadelphia. Transportation, 49, 1577–1597
Wu, W and RA Daziano. 2022. On Assignment to Classes in Latent Class Logit Models. Transportation Research Record
Dong, X, E Guerra, RA Daziano, P Chatterjee, N Kovalova. 2022. Investigating the preferences between shared and non-shared ride-hailing services across user groups. Case Studies on Transport Policy 10(4), 2290-2299
Sadeghi, S, R Daziano, SY Yoon, A Anderson. 2022. Crowding and Perceived Travel Time in Public Transit: Virtual Reality Compared with Stated Choice Surveys. Transportation Research Record,
Daziano, RA. 2022. A choice experiment assessment of stated early response to COVID-19 vaccines in the USA. Health Economics Review 12 (1).
González-Santander C, Sarrias M, Daziano RA, Roco L. 2022. Valuing urban drinking water supply attributes: A case study from Chile. Water Resources and Economics, 39, 100204
Rossetti, T, RA Daziano. 2022. How does self-assessed health status relate to preferences for cycling infrastructure? A latent class and latent variable approach. Transportation
Naseri, H, EOD Waygood, B Wang, Z Patterson, RA Daziano. 2022. A Novel Feature Selection Technique to Better Predict Climate Change Stage of Change. Sustainability 14, 40.
Rossetti, T, S-Y Yoon, RA Daziano. 2022. Social distancing and store choice in times of a pandemic, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 65, 102860
Krueger, R, M Bierlaire, RA Daziano, TH Rashidi, and P Bansal. 2021. Evaluating the predictive abilities of mixed logit models with unobserved inter- and intra-individual heterogeneity. Journal of Choice Modelling 41, 100323
Waygood, EOD, B Wang, RA Daziano, Z Patterson, and M Braun Kohlová, 2021, The climate change stage of change measure: vehicle choice experiment, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, DOI: 10.1080/09640568.2021.1913107
Wang, B., Waygood, E.O.D., Daziano, R.A., Patterson, Z., Feinberg, M., 2021. Does hedonic framing improve people’s willingness-to-pay for vehicle greenhouse gas emissions? Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 98, 102973.
Etzioni, S, RA Daziano, E Ben-Elia and Y Shiftan. 2021. Preferences for shared automated vehicles: A hybrid latent class modeling approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 123, 103013.
Romero-Espinosa, D, M Sarrias and RA Daziano. 2021. Are preferences for city attributes heterogeneous? An assessment using a discrete choice experiment. Papers in Regional Science 100(1), 251-272.
Daziano, RA , EOD Waygood, Z Patterson, M Feinberg, and B Wang. 2021. Reframing greenhouse gas emissions information presentation on the Environmental Protection Agency’s new-vehicle labels to increase willingness to pay, Journal of Cleaner Production 279.
Daziano, RA. 2020. Flexible customer willingness to pay for bundled smart energy products and services. Resource and Energy Economics 61, 101175
Dubey, S, P Bansal, RA Daziano and E Guerra. 2020. A generalized continuous-multinomial response model with a t-distributed error kernel. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 133, 114-141.
Bansal, P, R Krueger, M Bierlaire, RA Daziano, and TH Rashidi. 2020. Bayesian estimation of mixed multinomial logit models: advances and simulation-based evaluations. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 131, 124-142.
Guerra, E and RA Daziano. 2020. Electric vehicles and residential parking in an urban environment: Results from a stated preference experiment. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 79.
Bansal, P, A Sinha, R Dua, and RA Daziano. 2020. Eliciting preferences of TNC users and drivers: evidence from the United States. Travel Behaviour and Society 20, 225-236.
Bansal, P, Y Liu, RA Daziano, and S Samaranayake. 2020. Impact of discerning reliability preferences of riders on the demand for mobility-on-demand services. Transportation Letters 12:10, 677-681.
Bansal, P, RA Daziano, and N Sunder. 2019. Arriving at a decision: a semi-parametric approach to institutional birth choice in India. Journal of Choice Modelling 31, 86-103.
Bansal, P., Hurtubia, R., Tirachini, A., & Daziano, R. A. 2019. Flexible estimates of heterogeneity in crowding valuation in the New York City subway. Journal of Choice Modelling 31, 124-140.
Liu, Y, P Bansal, RA Daziano and S Samaranayake. 2019. A framework to integrate mode choice in the design of mobility-on-demand systems. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 105, 648-665.
Bansal, P, RA Daziano and E Guerra. 2018. Minorization-Maximization (MM) algorithms for semiparametric logit models: Bottlenecks, extensions, and comparisons. Transportation Research Part B 115, 17-40.
Wang, C, J Sun, R Russell and RA Daziano. 2018. Analyzing willingness to improve the resilience of New York City’s transportation system. Transport Policy 69, 10-19.
Bansal, P, RA Daziano, M Achtnicht. 2018. Comparison of Parametric and Semiparametric Representations of Unobserved Taste Heterogeneity in Choice Modeling. Journal of Choice Modelling 27, 97-113.
Bansal, P, RA Daziano, M Achtnicht. 2018. Extending the logit-mixed logit model for a combination of random and fixed parameters. Journal of Choice Modelling 27, 88-96.
Sarrias, MA and RA Daziano. 2018. Individual-Specific Point and Interval Conditional Estimates of Latent Class Logit Parameters. Journal of Choice Modelling 27, 50-61.
Bansal, P and RA Daziano. 2018. Influence of choice experiment designs on eliciting preferences for autonomous vehicles. Transportation Research Procedia 32, 474-481.
Daziano, RA and B Farooq. 2018. Workshop Synthesis: New directions in experimental design. Transportation Research Procedia 32, 448-453.
Daziano, RA, EDO Waygood, Z Patterson, M Braun Kohlová. 2017. Increasing the influence of CO2 emissions information on car purchase. Journal of Cleaner Production 164, 861-871.
Tirachini, A, R Hurtubia, T Dekker, RA Daziano. 2017. Estimation of crowding discomfort in public transport: Results from Santiago de Chile. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 103, 311-326.
Sarrias, MA and RA Daziano. 2017. Multinomial Logit Models with Continuous and Discrete Individual Heterogeneity in R: The gmnl Package. Journal of Statistical Software 79(2), 1-46.
Patil, PN, SK Dubey, AR Pinjari, E Cherchi, R Daziano, CR Bhat. 2017. Simulation evaluation of emerging estimation techniques for multinomial probit models. Journal of Choice Modelling 23, 9-20.
Daziano, RA, MA Sarrias and B Leard. 2017. Are consumers willing to pay to let cars drive for them? Analyzing response to autonomous vehicles. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 78, 150-164.
Rickard, LN, GM Eosco, CW Scherer, JP Schuldt, J Yang and RA Daziano. 2017. Sizing Up a Superstorm: Exploring the Role of Recalled Experience and Attribution of Responsibility in Judgments of Future Hurricane Risk. Risk Analysis doi:10.1111/risa.12779.
Rickard, LN, JP Schuldt, GM Eosco, CW Scherer, and RA Daziano. 2017. The proof is in the picture: The influence of imagery and experience in perceptions of hurricane messaging. Weather, Climate and Society doi:10.1175/WCAS-D-16-0048.1
Chiew, E, RA Daziano and LA Garrow. 2017. Bayesian estimation of hazard models of airline passengers’ cancellation behavior. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 96, 154-167.
Chiew, E and RA Daziano. 2016. A Bayes multinomial probit model for random consumer-surplus maximization. Journal of Choice Modelling 21, 56-59.
Muñoz, B, A Monzón and RA Daziano. 2016. The increasing role of latent variable in modelling bicycle mode choice. Transport Reviews 36(6), 737-771.
Daziano, RA. 2015. Inference on mode preferences, vehicle purchases, and the energy paradox using a Bayesian structural choice model. Transportation Research Part B, 76, 1-26.
Daziano, RA and LI Rizzi. 2015. Analyzing the impact of a fatality index on a discrete, interurban mode choice model with latent safety, security, and comfort. Safety Science, 78, 11-19.
Motoaki, Y and RA Daziano. 2015. A hybrid-choice latent-class model for the analysis of the effects of weather on cycling demand. Transportation Research Part A 75, 217-250.
Wang, C and RA Daziano. 2015. On the problem of measuring discount rates in intertemporal transportation choices. Transportation 42(6), 1019-1038.
Motoaki, Y and RA Daziano. 2015. Assessing goodness of fit of hybrid choice models: an open research question. Transportation Research Record 2495, 131-141.
Barla, P, N Lapierre, RA Daziano and M Herrmann. 2015. Reducing automobile dependency on campus: evaluating the impact of TDM using stated preferences. Canadian Public Policy, 41(1), 86-96.
Daziano, RA and M Achtnicht. 2014. Forecasting adoption of ultra-low-emission vehicles using Bayes estimates of a multinomial probit model and the GHK simulator. Transportation Science 48(4), 671-683.
Daziano, RA and M Achtnicht. 2014. Accounting for uncertainty in willingness to pay for environmental benefits. Energy Economics 44, 166-177.
Daziano, RA. 2013. Conditional-logit Bayes estimators for the valuation of electric vehicle driving range. Resource and Energy Economics 35(3), 429-450.
Daziano, RA and D Bolduc. 2013. Covariance, identification, and finite-sample performance of the MSL and Bayes estimators of a logit model with latent attributes. Transportation 40(3), 647-670.
Daziano, RA and D Bolduc. 2013. Incorporating pro-environmental preferences towards green automobile technologies through a Bayesian Hybrid Choice Model, Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 9(1), 74-106.
Daziano, RA and E Chiew. 2013. On the effect of the prior of Bayes estimators of the willingness-to-pay for electric-vehicle driving range. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 21, 7-13.
Daziano, RA, L Miranda-Moreno and S Heydari. 2013. Computational Bayesian statistics in transportation modeling: from road safety analysis to discrete choice. Transport Reviews 33(5), 570-592.
Daziano, RA. 2012. Taking account of the role of safety on vehicle choice using a new generation of discrete choice models. Safety Science 50, 103-112.
Daziano, RA and E Chiew. 2012. Electric vehicles rising from the dead: data needs for forecasting consumer response toward sustainable energy sources in personal transportation. Energy Policy 51, 876-894.
Daziano, RA and E Chiew. 2012. Analyzing a probit Bayes estimator for flexible covariance structures in discrete choice modeling. Transportation Research Record 2302, 42-50.
Raveau, S, R Alvarez Daziano, MF Yáñez, D Bolduc and J de D Ortúzar. 2010. Sequential and simultaneous estimation of hybrid discrete choice models: some new findings. Transportation Research Record 2156, 131-139.
Bolduc, D, N Boucher and R Alvarez-Daziano. 2008. Hybrid choice modeling of new technologies for car choice in Canada. Transportation Research Record 2082, 63-71. (2009 TRB Barry McNutt Award)
Munizaga, MA and R Álvarez Daziano. 2005. Testing mixed logit and probit by simulation. Transportation Research Record 1921, 53-62.
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